
Hello! I am Takeshi Onishi, a postdoc at Cedars-Sinai working for medical NLP with Professor Gonzalez-Hernandez! I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago in 2020, advised by David McAllester. My undergraduate degree is a B.A. in Engineering from Toyota Technological Institute in Japan.

About me

My brief self-introduction.

  • My research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval.

Publications and talks


Here is my activities!

Leaving Toyota for my next career!

I have decided to resign from Toyota to take up a new research position. Thank you and good-bye, Toyota!


I enjoyed ACL 2023 remotely. The Natural Language Processing community is even more thrilled by Large Language models, another outstanding innovation this year!!