I am excited to announce the first Japan-US Science Forum in Southern California on February 22!
New paper has been published!
I’m excited to announce the publication of my latest paper: “Political Bias of Large Language Models in Few-Shot News Summarization.”
As Large Language Models(LLMs) continue to shape how we...
Computational Biomedicine Health Language Processing Annual Symposium
Our research group hosted the 2024 Computational Biomedicine Health Language Processing Annual Symposium at Cedars-Sinai. I presented the preliminary results of my new project!
Presenting at BIAS@SIGIR
I’m attending SIGIR 2024 in Washington D.C. to present my work “Political Bias of Large Language Models in Few-shot News Summarization,” collaborative research of Texas A&M University and...
New career on Cedars-Sinai at LA
I am excited to announce that I have recently started working at Cedars-Sinai in LA. I am joining a medical NLP research team of Professor Gonzalez-Hernandez!
Leaving Toyota for my next career!
I have decided to resign from Toyota to take up a new research position. Thank you and good-bye, Toyota!
TTIC's 20th Anniversary
I visited Chicago for TTIC’s 20th anniversary and workshop! Congratulations!
I enjoyed ACL 2023 remotely. The Natural Language Processing community is even more thrilled by Large Language models, another outstanding innovation this year!!
Our work, Noisy-labeled Domain Adaptation under Generalized Label Shift, is going to be presented in JSAI2023 by the first author, Dr. Shinoda. It was my honor to...
WWW in 2023
I’m joining the International World Wide Web Conference 2023 in Texas Austin!
Special lecture in TTI-J
I gave a talk at TTI-J about the Ph.D. program! 50 out of 94 students asked a question or voted in the Q&A session. Thank you for joining my...
Visiting scholarship at TAMU
I’ve arrived in Texas for my one-year visiting scholarship at Texas A&M University (TAMU)! I’m absolutely thrilled about this incredible opportunity and my new research!
Talk at Intelligent Information Media Lab!
At Intelligent Information Media Lab, I gave a talk about various academic/industrial research environments in the U.S./Japan. I hope the talk helps the research careers of the students!
...Prism Japan is now released!
I’m happy to announce that Prism Japan, a trip advising AI, is now released!
SNL 2022
I joined Sixth International Workshop on Symbolic-Neural Learning (SNL2022).
I was interviewed as an alumnus for the guidebook of Toyota Technological Institute in 2023.
IBIS 2021
I had a presentation about my recent work about an Autoencoder for missing value imputation of heterogeneous data in IBIS2021.
My working environment
I’ve posted articles about my working environment! Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in our company!!
My educational activity @Gifu University
I’ve written a blog post on the Toyota Motor Corporation Website about my educational activity at Gifu University! Please check it HERE!
ICLR 2021
I’m joining ICRL 2021 remotely from a grass field that is just next to my home!
Public talk @Zoom
I was invited to Japanese Researchers Crossing in Chicago as a speaker, and I made a talk about the introduction of NLP and my thesis! Thank you for joining...
New career @TOYOTA
I’m now starting my new research career in Toyota Motor Corporation! I’m very excited about the challenging projects here!
Doctor of Philosophy
I’ve completed the Ph.D. program in TTIC and received the Ph.D. degree!
Invited talk @IUMRS-ICA
I’m visiting Australia for my invited talk about the material work in IUMRS-ICA. I’m very excited about the great opportunity!
NAACL 2019 @Minneapolis
I’m visiting Minneapolis for NAACL 2019. One of the largest NLP conference!
16th JRCC
16th Japanese Researchers in Chicago (JRCC) is successfully completed. Thank you for joining!
7th NU-NIMS Materials Genome Workshop
I attended 7th NU-NIMS Materials Genome Workshop at Northwestern University. I’m excited by more and more NLP on Material science.
Visiting @TTI-J
I’m visiting Toyota Technological Institute in Japan which I graduated five years ago for my research and also going to visit some institutes to see Japanese AI industry. Very exciting...
Research @Upenn
I’m working on a research project at the University of Pensylvania during the summer (June - September)! The research is an information extraction in social media for medical science. I’m...
Workshop @Northwestern University
I had a presentation about my work, Relation Extraction with Weakly Supervised Learning Based on Process-Structure-Property-Performance Reciprocity, at a workshop in Northwestern University.
Internship @Adobe
I’m working for Adobe as an intern during the summer (June - September)! This is my first trip to the Bay area and San Jose! I’m so excited about the...
Workshop @Northwestern University
My work in NIMS is presented at the joint workshop of NIMS and Northwestern University! My work named CAMaD is on the way to publishing!
Visiting and talks @TTI-J
I visited Toyota Technological Institute in Japan (TTI-J) I’ve graduated 4-years ago and gave a talk to students about my research project in NIMS.
Who-did-What @EMNLP2016
Our paper is accepted by EMNLP 2016, and I made a presentation about it in EMNLP 2016.
Internship @NIMS
I’m working for National Institute for Material Science(NIMS) in Japan as my internship ( Oct - Dec 2016). My research project is “causal relation extraction from natural language texts for...